A CVA is a binding agreement between the company and its creditors, which provides for repayment of part of the company’s debts, the balance being ‘written off’.
This enables the company to continue to trade in the long term and produces a better return for the company’s creditors than any other form of insolvency procedure.
Typically, the company will continue to trade and contribute regular payments from future profits into the CVA, which provides for the part payment of its prior CVA debts. CVAs are most appropriate where the core business of a company is profitable, but specific issues, either one off or now resolved, have led to the company getting into financial difficulty
Please contact us to determine if this is a realistic option for your company
This enables the company to continue to trade in the long term and produces a better return for the company’s creditors than any other form of insolvency procedure.
Typically, the company will continue to trade and contribute regular payments from future profits into the CVA, which provides for the part payment of its prior CVA debts. CVAs are most appropriate where the core business of a company is profitable, but specific issues, either one off or now resolved, have led to the company getting into financial difficulty
Please contact us to determine if this is a realistic option for your company